الوكيل العامري يدشن تشغيل 10 ميقا إضافية بمحطة تريم التحويلية
دشن وكيل محافظة حضرموت لشؤون مديريات الوادي والصحراء، عامر العامري، اليوم، تشغيل عشرة ميقا إضافية بمحطة تريم التحويلية.
تكتل يمين الوسط المحافظ يفوز في الانتخابات الألمانية
حقق تكتل الاتحاد الديمقراطي المسيحي (الاتحاد الاجتماعي المسيحي البافاري) المنتمي لتيار يمين الوسط المحافظ ، فوزا كبيرا في الانتخابات الوطنية الألمانية، متقدما بفارق واضح، وفقا للنتائج الرسمية بعد فرز جميع الدوائر الانتخابية.
بورصة الكويت تغلق تعاملاتها على ارتفاع مؤشرها العام 9.27 نقطة
أغلقت بورصة الكويت تعاملاتها اليوم، على ارتفاع مؤشرها العام 9.27 نقطة بنسبة بلغت 0.11 بالمائة ليبلغ مستوى 8101.19 نقطة.
ريال مدريد يتغلب على جيرونا بهدفين نظيفين
فاز ريال مدريد على جيرونا بهدفين نظيفين في المباراة التي جمعتهما اليوم، ضمن الجولة الـ25 من الدوري الإسباني لكرة القدم، ليعود إلى الانتصارات بعد 3 جولات دون أي فوز ويتقدم للمركز الثاني.
اسم المستخدم: كلمة المرور:
Basuhaib discusses with WB, UN officials implementation of development interventions in vital sectors
[23/02/2025 02:21]

Deputy Minister of Planning and International Cooperation Dr. Nazar Basuhaib discussed Sunday with the Senior Urban Development Specialist at the World Bank Zarouhi Tokhma the progress of developmental projects funded by the organization and the future plans for upcoming project portfolios.

The meeting, which included the Undersecretary of the Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation for the Engineering Projects Sector Wazira al-Shormani and other officials, addressed the progress of the emergency urban services project and the achievements made from those projects.

They also discussed the possibility of completing projects halted due to the cessation of U.S. funding, focusing on the priorities and needs for various sectors in line with their plans to enhance sustainable development.

The Deputy Minister of Planning praised the role of the World Bank in supporting development in Yemen across all fields, emphasizing the importance of expanding the bank’s interventions to cover more areas and services, particularly in vital sectors such as energy, roads, water, and sanitation.

He stressed the necessity of enhancing coordination among project implementing agencies to ensure the desired results, capitalizing on available opportunities to expand cooperation in new areas, and providing further support for economic and developmental recovery.

For her part, the World Bank development official indicated that the visit is part of reviewing the progress of ongoing and implemented projects. She emphasized the importance of partnership between the two sides and working to support the legitimate government in restoring basic services in the country, discussing priority needs for sustainability and development projects to ensure effective responses to the nature of interventions.

In another meeting, Dr. Nazar Basuhaib discussed with the UN Office for Project Services (UNOPS) Country Director in Yemen, Rehana Zuwar, the efforts for coordination and joint cooperation among government programs and sectors in implementing service and developmental interventions, as well as needs in infrastructure projects in energy, water, agriculture, and addressing disasters and climate change.

The Deputy Minister of Planning stressed the need to focus in the coming phase on developmental projects according to the specific needs of each region, linking the integration between the efforts of various sectors in these projects, and mutual cooperation to continuously evaluate and monitor the implementation of projects to ensure their completion and maximize their benefits, while considering project alignment and equitable distribution.

For her part, the UNOPS Country Director outlined the working mechanisms followed by UNOPS in identifying and implementing projects, affirming the commitment to discuss with government agencies and sectors to address the actual needs of the proposed projects.

The Deputy Minister of Planning and International Cooperation Dr. Nazar Basuhaib also met today with the Food Security and Agriculture Cluster Coordinator at the FAO Abigail Reniocoria.

They discussed several issues related to the impact of the cessation of U.S. grants on the country's food situation, response efforts for the needy areas suffering from malnutrition, the mechanism for identifying new beneficiaries while considering targeting criteria, and the level of funding for food chain projects from donors.

بدء دورة في شبوة لتأهيل 22 صحفياً من 6 محافظات حول الأمن الرقمي والسلامة المهنية
الوكيل العامري يدشن تشغيل 10 ميقا إضافية بمحطة تريم التحويلية
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وزير التعليم العالي يناقش تطوير عمل الملحقيات الثقافية اليمنية في الخارج
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الأكثر قراءة
مؤتمر الحوار الوطني

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