[07/02/2025 05:43]
The Republic of Yemen has participated in the 60th Meeting of the Arab Higher Committee for Standardization, affiliated with the Arab Organization for Industrial Development, Standardization and Mining, as well as the 18th meeting of the Committee for Monitoring the Arab Strategy for Standardization and Quality.
The Yemeni delegation was led by the Executive Director of the Yemeni Standards and Metrology Authority, member of the committee Engineer Hadeed al-Mas.
The meeting, held in the Moroccan capital Rabat, discusses the coordination and intensification of Arab efforts to unify standard specifications, testing and quality methods, and the preparation of unified measurement and calibration systems to advance the field of Arab standardization at all levels under the umbrella of the Arab Organization for Industrial Development, Standardization and Mining (AIDSMO).
The meeting also addressed the follow-up on the implementation of the recommendations from the 59th committee meeting, as well as issues related to the preparation and updating of unified Arab standard specifications, the development of electronic forums for standards, and the decisions of the Committee for Monitoring the Implementation of the Arab Strategy for Standardization and Quality, along with decisions regarding conformity assessment, recommendations for Arab building codes, the Arab Halal program, the Arab Quality Award, and others.
On the sidelines of the meeting, Jim Olchefske, the Director of International Cooperation at the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), presented a certificate to the Executive Director of the Yemeni Standards Authority, recognizing the partnership and cooperation between the Yemeni authority and the American society over the past 15 years since 2010.
The meeting concluded with recommendations and decisions aimed at unifying Arab specifications, developing strategies within the framework of Arab joint action in the fields of standardization, conformity, and quality and achieving Arab industrial solidarity.
The recommendations included also enhancing the Arab standardization system to support the common Arab markets and ensure the circulation of products that meet quality, performance, and safety standards, thereby advancing Arab joint efforts in the field of standardization.
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