[20/01/2025 12:28]
Prime Minister Dr. Ahmed Awadh bin Mubarak has affirmed that the international ministerial meeting to support the Yemeni government held at the United Nations headquarters in New York in partnership with the Republic of Yemen and the United Kingdom, sends a clear message to the world on the Yemeni government's crucial role in protecting regional security and international navigation.
In a statement to Yemen TV, the Prime Minister explained that the meeting will review the Yemeni government's economic recovery plan, its main priorities, and the achievements made in recent times regarding reinforcing the role of institutions and the comprehensive reform program, as well as the international support required to back these efforts.
He noted that the meeting is a message to support all state institutions at various levels, under the direct supervision and support of President Rashad Mohammed al-Alimi and the members of the Presidential Leadership Council.
Dr. bin Mubarak pointed out that there are elements in the plan related to political and economic dimensions that will be presented at the meeting, which are the most important at this stage, particularly regarding enhancing the government's capacity to provide better services to citizens.
He also mentioned the nature of the main challenges resulting from the terrorism practiced by the Houthi militias, especially their economic war against the Yemeni people, and preventing oil exports, among other economic challenges.
"There are important elements that will be discussed during the meeting, in addition to strengthening institutional support and enhancing the government's ability to provide services and implement the economic recovery plan approved by the Cabinet and endorsed by the Presidential Leadership Council, including issues related to the integration of women and youth," he said.
The Prime Minister expressed his confidence that this meeting will mark a new phase in enhancing the government's role and placing it on the map of partnership with the international community in leading the required interventions and defining those interventions.
He emphasized that efforts will be made to find mechanisms to enhance partnership and regulatory frameworks for future donor pledging conferences.
Dr. Ahmed Awadh bin Mubarak revealed that an agreement has been reached with international partners, including the United Kingdom and key partners who have been with us from the beginning, such as Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, and other brothers and friends.
He stated: "This is a very important phase that defines the vision and priorities of the Yemeni government, what has been achieved, as well as understanding the nature of the pledges and mutual commitments between the Yemeni government and the international community."
Regarding the government's economic recovery plan, the Prime Minister explained that it primarily includes a set of economic pillars that ensure the recovery of the Yemeni economy, work on stabilizing exchange rates, controlling expenditures, developing resources, activating the activity of Yemeni ports and the Aden refineries.
The government recovery plan includes also providing the requirements that would compensate for the significant loss in state resources, especially in light of the halt in oil and domestic gas exports due to the terrorist Houthi militias' attacks on these facilities.
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