[20/11/2024 03:28]
The Republic of Yemen participated in the events of the 2024 Information and Communications Technology Forum for the Middle East and North Africa, held in the Jordanian capital, Amman.
The Yemeni delegation was led by Dr. Waed Batheeb, the Minister of Planning and International Cooperation, who is also acting as the Minister of Communications and Information Technology.
The forum, held under the theme "Synergy in Innovation: Exploring the Future of Information and Communications Technology in the Middle East and North Africa," brings together decision-makers from the public and private sectors, as well as academia.
It focuses on three main pillars: communication, innovation, and transformation, alongside the exchange of ideas and discussions on future trends in technology.
Minister Batheeb emphasized that the participation aims to enhance the exchange of experiences and to benefit from Jordan's leading experience in the communications sector across various fields.
He highlighted the ministry's commitment to strengthening collaboration with the Jordanian party, which has expressed its willingness to continue joint agreements between the two countries.
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