صدر اليوم قرار رئيس مجلس القيادة الرئاسي رقم (٢٥) لسنة ٢٠٢٥م، قضت المادة الاولى منه بتعيين الاخ مصطفى احمد محمد نعمان نائبا لوزير الخارجية وشؤون المغتربين.
ارتفعت حصيلة العدوان الاسرائيلي على قطاع غزة منذ السابع من اكتوبر 2023، إلى 46,707 شهيداً، و 110,265 مصابا أغلبيتهم من الأطفال والنساء، في حين لا يزال آلاف الضحايا تحت الأنقاض.
Kuwait sends 14 trucks loaded with food, in-kind assistances to floods- impacted people in Yemen
[23/08/2024 04:25]
Kuwait Red Crescent Society announced on Friday the arrival of 14 trucks loaded with food and in-kind aid through Saudi territories as part of the Society's efforts to provide assistance and relief to those impacted by the rains and floods in Yemen.
The Director General of the Society Abdulrahman al-Oun said in a statement to the Kuwait News Agency (KUNA) that a field team will be dispatched to Yemen to oversee the distribution of the aid, in addition to inspecting the development projects being implemented by the Society, including schools, health centers, orphanages, and water projects, in cooperation and coordination with (Estijabah Foundation for Humanitarian Aid and Relief).
Al-Oun added that these aid efforts will contribute to alleviating the burden on needy families and providing them with a decent life, and are part of a series of humanitarian initiatives being implemented by the Society to provide food and livelihood support to those impacted by heavy rains and floods, and to alleviate their suffering.