صدر اليوم قرار رئيس مجلس القيادة الرئاسي رقم (٢٥) لسنة ٢٠٢٥م، قضت المادة الاولى منه بتعيين الاخ مصطفى احمد محمد نعمان نائبا لوزير الخارجية وشؤون المغتربين.
Yemen condemns Israeli ministers encroachment of al-Aqsa Holy Mosque
[14/08/2024 12:22]
The Republic of Yemen condemned with the most powerful terms the Israeli occupation government radical ministers violation of the al-Aqsa Holy Mosque and imposing restrictions to prevent worshipers access to the mosque.
A statement by the Foreign Ministry learned by the Yemeni News Agency (Saba) denounced the Israeli extremist ministers' intrusion, describing it as a flagrant violation of the International Law and International conventions, a deliberately provocative action against Muslims' feelings all over the world.
The Foreign Ministry called on the international community to shoulder its responsibility toward protecting the religious sanctities and ending the Israeli occupation authorities' ongoing aggression on the Palestinian people.