[01/05/2024 05:14]
The Yemeni Government restated that it is fully committed to protect human rights, comply with all international conventions and treaties it signed and work hard to address the problems relating to the human rights.
Minister of Legal Affairs and Human Rights Ahmed Arman contributed to the 46th Session of the Work Group charged with the international comprehensive periodical review of human rights, held in Geneva during the time from April 29 to 10 May.
He provided an informative presentation about the government's plans and efforts to improve human rights amid extremely touch circumstances Yemen has been experiencing due to Iran-backed Terrorist Houthi militia carried out its coup against the official Yemeni government in September 2014.
"The Yemeni government has paid significant attention to the human rights issues and keenly sought to integrate the human rights into key the political, economic, cultural and social development process in the country despite of the very tough circumstances Yemen has been enduring".
The Minister squarely blamed the Terrorist Houthi militias for prolonging the Yemeni conflict, worsening the humanitarian suffering the Yemeni people have been enduring for more than nine years.
Arman cited a long list of grave violations of human rights by the Houthi militias including killing thousands outside the law, destructing the infrastructure, imposing illegal constraints on the public freedoms and freedom of expressing and peaceful assembling, banning political activity, closed newspapers and media outlets, harassing journalists and political activists, recruiting children, restricting women movement, arbitrary arresting and detaining of activists, journalists and torturing many of them until death.
The Minister has made it clear that Yemen's secure and prosperous future will never be achieved by a fragile political settlement gives the terrorist Houthi group what they want and allow a terrorist rebellious militias to possess heavy weapons.
He argued that a permanent and comprehensive peace must be based on sound foundations including the terms of the peace references that are agreed on nationally, regionally and internationally, mainly the UNSCR 2216.
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