اطلع وكيل محافظة حضرموت لشؤون مديريات الوادي والصحراء، عامر العامري، اليوم، على خطط الاجهزة الامنية والإدارات المعنية استعداداً لدخول شهر رمضان المبارك بمديرية سيئون.
تأهلت أندية روما الإيطالي، وفنربخشه التركي، وريال سوسييداد الإسباني، وألكمار الهولندي وستيوبوخارست الروماني للدور ثمن النهائي من الدوري الأوروبي لكرة القدم.
Yemeni coast guards seize two ships smuggling goods
[08/02/2024 06:17]
The Yemeni coast guards managed yesterday, Wednesday, to seizure two wood-made ships, with multi-national sailors, off Bab el-Mandeb coasts, were operating in smuggling businesses between Djibouti and Yemen.
The Organization of the Yemeni Coast Guards said in a press release learned by the Yemeni News Agency (Saba) the two ships were seized while carrying more than 70 tons of good.
The two ships were sailing toward Yemen through un official entrances in order to escape the government's monitoring and customs.
The press release stated that the two ships were moved to Aden seaport so as legal procedures are taken in collaboration with Authority of Customs and the concerned bodies.