نظم مركز الدراسات الاستراتيجية للقوات المسلحة، اليوم، في العاصمة المؤقتة عدن، ندوة تحت عنوان (التقاعد في أجهزة الدفاع والأمن.. الماضي، الحاضر، والمستقبل).
انطلقت في العاصمة البحرينية المنامة، اليوم، أعمال مؤتمر الحوار الإسلامي الإسلامي تحت عنوان (أمة واحدة ومصير مشترك)، برعاية العاهل البحريني الملك حمد بن عيسى آل خليفة وبمشاركة دولية واسعة.
تأهل بايرن ميونيخ الألماني، وبنفيكا البرتغالي، وكلوب بروج البلجيكي، إلى الدور ثمن النهائي من بطولة دوري أبطال أوروبا لكرة القدم، على حساب سيلتيك الاسكتلندي وموناكو الفرنسي وأتلانتا الإيطالي تواليا في في إياب الملحق المؤهل.
Prime Minister receives Emirati Ambassador in Aden
[07/11/2023 02:10]
Prime Minister Dr. Ma'een Abdulmalik received today, Tuesday, in the temporary capital Aden Ambassador of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) to the Republic of Yemen Mohammed Azua'abi and his accompanying delegation.
The discussions covered a range of topical issues including the continuing efforts to establish peace in Yemen, the government's ongoing reforms program and its efforts to manage the challenges and the required regional and international support to help the government doing its job, allay the Yemeni peoples' suffering.
The Emirati funded projects and humanitarian interventions in several fields and governorates were elaborately discussed.
Dr. Ma'een warmly welcomed the Emirati Ambassador and delegation, highly praising the Emirati support for Yemen and the Yemeni people in all walks of life, greatly appreciating the UAE's key role within the Saudi-led Coalition in support of legality in Yemen.
The Prime Minister voiced thanks and gratitude to the UAE's government and people for their continuous support for the Yemeni people, citing the Emirati significant projects in the fields of security, renewable energy like the Solar Energy Plant in Aden with 100 MGWT.
The Emirati Ambassador stated that his visit to Aden with a delegation includes technical teams comes to confirm support and follow up the progress in the Emirati funded projects which are being carried out.