VP visits warfronts in Sana'a and Marib
Vice President Lt. Gen. Ali Mohsen Saleh has visited the warfronts in Sana'a and Marib and inspected the status of combatant on the frontlines.
PM: Govt encourages voluntary return of Somali refugees
Prime Minister Ahmed bin-Daghr said on Monday that the government - out of its responsibility toward the Somali and other refugees in all Yemeni territories – is encouraging their right to voluntary return home via the UN and IMO-sponsored repatriation programs, given the stabilization of situations in Somalia.
VP: the federal state of six regions is the wayout for Yemenis
Vice President Ali Mohsen has confirmed that Houthi-Saleh's stubbornness made the military choice a necessity.
"The Legitimacy is with a peace in which the militias have no control on the state's capabilities and weapons and with a peace when the militias transfer into a political party and participate in political process peacefully without terrifying citizens by the force of weapons," said Mohsen in statements to Al Quds Al Arabi Newspaper.
Shabwa police arrest terror cellplotting assassinations
Police have arrested three members of a terror cell and wounded their fourth, the cell's leader, Sultan Warazan,in Shabwa's provincial capital Ataqas they were plotting for the assassination of local government leaders in the province.
Vice President meets Ibb military leaders
Vice President Lt. Gen. Ali Mohsen Saleh has addressed the latest developments in Ibb with the pro-governmentmilitary and security leaders from the province.
PM issues directives for rehabilitationprojects in war-afflicted Lahj
In a meeting with Lahj'sDeputy Governor Wadhah al-Halimi and Director General of Security SalehAssayid in Aden today, Prime Minister Ahmed bin-Daghr has issued directives for the rehabilitation of six schools, drugs stores and Muawiya Stadium. The directives also included financial allocations for the main sports clubs in the province.
Peace depends on militias' abidance by references, Arab League says
The Arab League's permanent delegates have reiterated that Yemen's peace depends on the militias' abidance by the three internationally recognized references for peace; the outcomes of the GCC Initiative, the UNSC resolutions mainly resolution no. 2216 and the outcomes of the National Dialogue.
Presidential source dismisses news of Seaport and Islands leasedeal
A presidential source has dismissed the circulating news on social media that President Abdu Rabbu Mansour Hadi has leased the Seaport of Aden and the islands of Socotra and Meone to the United Arab Emirates as part of a deal that allegedly defusestensions with the GCC country.
Fatah calls on UNICEF to expose militias' relief aid abuse
The Chairman of the Supreme Committee for Relief Aid Abduraqeeb Fatah has called on the UNICEF to assume its responsibility in condemning the Saleh-Houthi militias' extortion of money on cash transfers to the destitute in Al-Mahweet, one of the north Yemen provinces under the militias' control.