بحث القائم بأعمال السفارة اليمنية في بودابست، احمد ناجي، اليوم، مع رئيس دائرة الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا في وزارة الخارجية والتجارة المجرية، يانوش لاشتوفكا، سبل تعزيز العلاقات الثنائية بين البلدين الصديقين.
اعلنت القوات البرية الكورية، اليوم الجمعة، إن جنوداً كوريين وأمريكيين أجروا تدريبات مشتركة على الضربات الخاصة هذا الأسبوع، كجزء من التدريبات العسكرية الكبرى الجارية حاليا في إطار مناورات "درع الحرية" السنوية.
تأهل مانشستر يونايتد الإنجليزي إلى الدور ربع النهائي من الدوري الأوروبي لكرة القدم، بعد فوزه على ضيفه ريال سوسيداد باربعة اهداف مقابل هدف ضمن إياب دور الـ 16.
Republican decree no (7) of 2020 issued today, Friday, about establishing the government, naming its members.
President of the Republic:
Following reading the Constitution of the Republic of Yemen and the GCC's Initiative and its Executive Mechanism signed on 23/11/2011 and the Outcomes of the National Dialogues, and Riyadh Agreement signed on 5/11/2019, Law no (3) of 2004, and the President of the Republic decree no (35) about the designation of Dr. Ma'een Abdulmalik Sa'ed to form the government and based on the presentation of the Prime Minister it is decided:
Article (1): The government shall be established as the following:
1. Dr. Ma'een Abdulmalik Sa'ed Prime Minister
2. Dr. Ahmed Awadh bin Mubark Foreign Minister and for Migirants Affairs
3. (Lt Gen) Mohammed Ali al-Maqdashi Minister of Defense
4. Muamer Mutaher al-Iryani Minister of Information, Culture and Tourism
5.Dr. Wa'ed Abdullah Bathib Minister of Planning and Internationl Cooperation
6. Nayef Saleh al-Bakri Minister of Youth and Sport
7. Salim Saleh bin Bureik Minister of Finance
8.Dr. Najeeb Mansour al-Aweg Minister of Telecommunication and Information Technology
9. Salim Abdullah Assoqatri Minister of Agriculture, Irrigation and Fishery
10.Abdulsalam Abdullah Ba-Abbood Minister of Oil and Minerals
11. Dr. Khaled Ahmed al-Wosabi Minister of Higher Education, Sceintific Research and Vocational Training
12. Maj. General Ebrahim Ali Haidan Minister of Interior
13. Ahmed Omer Arman Minister of Legal Affairs and Human Rights
14. Eng. Tawfeq Abdulwahed Asharjabi Minister of Water and Environment
15. Mohammed Hezam al-Ashwal Minister of Industry and Trade
16. Dr. Abdulsalam Saleh Hadi Minister of Transport
17. Mohammed Aidha Shabebah Minister of Endowments and Guidance
18. Dr. Abdunasser Ahmed al-Wali Minister of Civil Service and Insurances
19. Dr. Qasem Mohammed Bahibeh Minister of Public Health and Population
20. Hussein Abdurahman al-Aghbari Minister of Local Administration
21. Badr Abdo al-Aredha Minister of Justice
22. Tareq Salim al-Akbari Minister of Education
23. Dr. Anwar Mohammed Kalshat Minister of Electricity and Energy
24. Dr. Mohammed Sa'ed Aza'rori Minister of Social Affairs and Labor
25. Manea Yaslm Ba-Yamain Minister of Public Works and Highways.
Article (2) This decree shall put into its effect from the date it is issued and shall be published in the gazette