[25/03/2023 06:32]
The Parliament Leadership has condemned and decried with the strongest words the Terrorist Houthi militias for targeting the motorcade of Taiz Governor Nabil Shamsan on his way back to Taiz in the region of al-Qadah, southern the city of Taiz.
The Headship of the Parliament issued a press release reads" The Governor of Taiz survived this terrorist operation, while his car completely burned due to the Houthis' attack", adding " Houthi militia provides new evidences on its rejection to peace. While the militiamen were carrying out this criminal attack on the Governor of Taiz and his companions, several drones were hovering over the city of Taiz, terrifying the population of the city, mainly women and children for several hours".
The Parliament Leadership went on saying" The Houthi terrorism is gruesomely exercised, killing innocent peoples with cold blood because Houthis' job is killing, they are living on bloodshed. Regretfully, the UN, United States and our friends in the West gave the Houthis a chance to do what they want, they have been tolerant with the Houthis, deal with them as equally as with internationally recognized leadership and government".
The Parliament Leadership continued to say" We, in the Parliament Headship, express our condemnation of this heinous crime and coward terrorist action, call on the world to condemn this crime, punch the perpetrators and blacklisting them in the terrorism lists because this is right place for them, their attack on the Prime Minister plane in Aden airport was sufficient for them to be designated as Terrorist".
البرنامج السعودي لتنمية وإعمار اليمن يواصل برامجه ومبادراته التنموية في مختلف المجالات
عضو مجلس القيادة الزُبيدي: تصنيف أستراليا الحوثيين جماعة إرهابية يدعم توحيد الموقف الدولي ضد إرهاب المليشيات
مجلس القيادة الرئاسي يناقش المستجدات الوطنية والاقليمية
الارياني يرحب بإعلان حكومة نيوزيلندا تصنيف مليشيا الحوثي منظمة إرهابية
نيوزيلندا تصنف مليشيات الحوثي منظمة إرهابية
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وزير الدفاع يعقد اجتماعاً موسعاً بقيادة المنطقة الثانية ويفتتح مبنى المحكمة والنيابة العسكرية
رئيس الوزراء يستعرض مع مكتب الأمم المتحدة الـ (UNOPS) المشاريع الجاري تنفيذها
انعقاد اجتماع للسلطتين التنفيذية والقضائية في لحج لمناقشة تعزيز آليات التنسيق
رئيس الوزراء يؤكد توجه الحكومة لإعادة رسم مسارات الشراكة مع الوكالات والمنظمات الأممية والدولية