واصل مجلس القيادة الرئاسي اليوم الاحد، برئاسة فخامة الرئيس الدكتور رشاد محمد العليمي، رئيس المجلس، مناقشة تطورات الاوضاع السياسية والاقتصادية، والادارية، والامنية والعسكرية، وذلك بحضور اعضائه الدكتور عبدالله العليمي، وعثمان مجلي، وعبر الاتصال المرئي عيدروس الزبيدي، طارق صالح، عبدالرحمن المحرمي، وفرج البحسني، بينما غاب بعذر عضو المجلس سلطان العرادة.
أكد الأمين العام لمنظمة التعاون الإسلامي حسين طه، اليوم الأحد، ضرورة تحرك العالم والمجتمع الدولي لحقوق الإنسان بشكل عاجل لإيقاف عدوان الاحتلال الإسرائيلي على قطاع غزة وبقية الأراضي الفلسطينية المحتلة وبذل الجهود الضرورية لتجنب استمرار الأزمة الإنسانية هناك.
توج الهولندي ماكس فيرستابن -سائق ريد بول- بلقب بطولة العالم للفورمولا 1 للمرة الرابعة على التوالي، بعد احتلاله المركز الخامس في سباق جائزة لاس فيجاس الكبرى اليوم.
Prime Minister stresses having new approach in Aden local administration
[12/08/2020 05:39]
Prime Minister Ma'een Abdulamlik has stressed significance of having new approach to local authority in Aden in consistence with aspirations of implementing Riyadh Agreement and able to deal with problems and challenges accumulated for a year and to meet people's aspirations of improving livelihoods and basic services.
In a meeting with Aden's new Governor Hamed Lamlas on Wednesday, the two parties discussed swift priorities of duties of the new governor for alleviating suffering of people's conditions over deterioration of basic services and realizing security and stability.
Abdulmalik confirmed that the government will remain helpful and supporter to Lamlas to perform his responsibilities and duties and for implementing President Hadi's directives for regaining order in Aden and activating basic services and realizing security and general stability.
" Aden has special care and has priority in government's plans as a transitional capital to the Republic of Yemen and as political and economic center," said prime minister.
He added that our fate and responsibilities embed us in this critical stage to make homeland's interests above all our interests and as our people has suffered for longtime, it is time for integrating all efforts for alleviating suffering of our people.
For his part, Governor Lamlas confirmed that he will do his outmost to overcome all challenges and confirmed working with the government for providing services to Adeni people.