[12/05/2020 03:15]
Yemen's Foreign Minister said the separatist Southern Transitional Council must comply with the Riyadh Agreement it signed with the government last November or bear responsibility for what will arise from their persistence with rebellion.
In a press statement, Mohammed al-Hadhrami said, "The Government kept acting and responding so positively with the Riyadh Agreement but the STC, on the other hand, was so stubborn to sidestep it, continue the armed rebellion, undermine the state institutions and lastly disrupt the mission of the national health team tasked with fighting coronavirus in Aden."
"The STC did not limit its escalation to refusing the calls of the government, the Arab Coalition and the UN Security Council to back off its reckless declaration of self-rule in the south," al-Hadhrami noted, "it even started destabilizing the security of Socotra archipelago and began a provocative amassing of troops in Abyan governorate."
The minister called on the STC to withdraw from its rebellion or face all the responsibilities consequent upon its actions.
"The national army will do all it takes to preserve the state and the security of the nation," he said.
مجلس القيادة الرئاسي يواصل مناقشاته للسياسات العامة للدولة
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وزارة الشباب والرياضة تكرّم بطل العرب للشطرنج خالد العماري
وزير الصحة يناقش مع منظمة بيور هاندز تدخلاتها في القطاع الصحي
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