[13/07/2019 01:43]
Deputy Minister of Agriculture for Irrigation Affairs Ahmad al-Zamiki has called Food and Agricultural and Food Organization to double its activities for improving agricultural guidance and contribution in production in Yemen.
The call came in a workshop for agricultural guidance organized by FAO on Saturday here.
For his part, Deputy Minister of Agriculture for Planning and Information Affairs Ali al-Junaid pointed to changes in agricultural guidance across the world Yemen must keep pace with for improving agricultural production.
The two-day workshop is within the program of qualifying small farmers and improving agricultural production financed by World Bank and includes 30 participants from Aden, Abyan, Lahj , Shabwa, Taiz, Hadhramout, Dhale', Mahra, Mareb and Jawf.
The workshop includes concepts on agricultural guidance in the ministry, obstacles and difficulties faced by guidance, tackling them and improving general structure for agricultural guidance in the ministry.
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