دشّن وزير الدولة، محافظ محافظة عدن، أحمد حامد لملس، اليوم السبت، في مديرية خورمكسر، مشروع حديقة عدن الكبرى، وذلك بمناسبة الذكرى الـ 61 لثورة 14 أكتوبر المجيدة.
أعلنت الوكالة الامريكية للتنمية الدولية، أن الولايات المتحدة قدمت من خلالها 26.7 مليون دولار لصندوق التمويل العالمي التابع للبنك الدولي للمساهمة في جهود الصندوق متعدد الاطراف لدعم العاملين الصحيين وتعزيز الرعاية الصحية الأولية.
فاز فريق الاتحاد الفوز على الأهلي بهدف دورن في المباراة التي جمعتهما على ملعب مدينة الملك عبدالله الرياضية بمدينة جدة ضمن منافسات الجولة التاسعة من الدوري السعودي للمحترفين "روشن السعودي".
Govt calls on Humanitarian Coordinator to blame Houthi crimes on Houthis
[27/01/2019 05:40]
The government has called upon the senior-most United Nations official in Yemen to blame the Houthi crimes on Houthis and to hold the rebel militia accountable for all the massacres they have committed.
In a statement, the government through the Higher Committee for Relief Aid said it was disappointed by the latest statement the Humanitarian Coordinator Lisa Grande released in the aftermath of Houthi attack on an IDPs camp in Hajjah on Saturday which led to the killing of 8 displacees and injury of 30 others.
Grande's statement "did not the Houthi coupist militia clearly," the governmental statement said.
The statement called on Grande to "hold the coupists responsible clearly and fully for the massacres they have been committing on a daily basis against civilians and displacees."
The statement said that distributing the blame between the 'warring parties' is "not acceptable." The statement said the Houthi attack against the IDPs camp yesterday is not a new thing. "Previously they attacked Bani Jaber IDPs camp funded by KSrelief and the attack led t killing two women and injuring 15 others," read the statement.
"Add to that the continuous and systematic attacks on IDPs in Hodeidah Taiz and Hajjah."
It warned that the international silence towards these heinous crimes "emboldens the coupists to commit more."