عقد مجلس القيادة الرئاسي اليوم السبت اجتماعا برئاسة فخامة الرئيس الدكتور رشاد محمد العليمي، رئيس المجلس، وبحضور اعضائه عيدروس الزبيدي، سلطان العرادة، طارق صالح، الدكتور عبدالله العليمي، وعثمان مجلي، وفرج البحسني بينما غاب بعذر عضو المجلس عبدالرحمن المحرمي.
أعلنت الوكالة الامريكية للتنمية الدولية، أن الولايات المتحدة قدمت من خلالها 26.7 مليون دولار لصندوق التمويل العالمي التابع للبنك الدولي للمساهمة في جهود الصندوق متعدد الاطراف لدعم العاملين الصحيين وتعزيز الرعاية الصحية الأولية.
Activists demand UN to pressure Houthis to release abductees
[05/11/2018 02:17]
A number of young activists have called on the United Nations to pressure the Houthi rebel militia to release fellow activists they had abducted and detained over the past years.
In aseminarorganized by the Yemeni Organization for Prisoners and Abductees in Marib on Monday, the activists said the activists abduction is a human rights issue not a political one and therefore the UN has to act and pressure the Houthi militants to release them unconditionally, at least as a token of good faith before the anticipated peace talks with the government.
The participants also demanded the government to ensure the payment of salaries to the families of public employees who are in Houthi jails.
They recommended the international community to work to refer the leaders of the Houthi coupist militia to the international courts in connection with their atrocities against the general civilians and more severely against the peaceful oppositionists to the militia's ideology.