[08/10/2018 01:28]
Prime Minister Ahmad Obeid bin-Daghr has confirmed the leading role of state media outlets for serving national issues and supporting legality led by President Abd-Rabbo Mansour Hadi for facing the coup and its dangerous repercussions.
In his meeting with heads of the state media outlets- attended by Minister of Information Muamar al-Iryani and his deputies- on Monday, bin-Daghr discussed with them performance of different media outlets and requirements for promoting the performance to face aftermaths of the Houthi militia's coup and national duties for facing it.
He confirmed rejection of any practices could encourage splitting Yemen, the coup against the republic and the two revolutions of September and October.
"Houthi militias have destroyed all state institutions led by information institutions and their try to remove the national identity and the revolution's value," said bin-Daghr, adding "so that we have been keen on re-building them … despite scarcity of resources and lack of capabilities."
He added that there are a number of information projects to be carried out soon and improve informational work.
Prime Minister stressed importance of media organizations for providing a message on the integration of the two Yemeni revolutions; September and October, the national struggle and everything help booting values of the national federation unity, brotherhood, discarding split and differences in the age of integration and aware of dangers facing Yemen over calls of division and split.
He also stressed discarding violence and calls for division and called for keeping national values led by the outcomes of the National Dialogue Conference, which included just solutions to all national issues.
Minister of Information presented a review on the media real situation and needs (for improving it) and a report on the visit of the media team to a number of warfronts recently and documenting heroic accomplishments in different fields by the national army for liberating all areas of the homeland from Houthi militia.
Meanwhile, the Chairman of Yemen News Agency (Saba) Abdullah Hizam, the Heads of Yemeni State TV and Aden TV Jamil Ezzudin and Fares Abdul-Aziz presented explanations on the work of their organizations, efforts of their staff and challenges facing them.
مجلس القيادة الرئاسي يناقش الاوضاع الاقتصادية والمتغيرات الاقليمية
تقرير دولي يحمل الميليشيات الحوثية مسؤولية التدهور الإقتصادي والإنساني في اليمن
رئيس الوزراء يشدد على تنفيذ حملات ضبط محلات الصرافة المخالفة والمضاربين بالعملة في جميع المحافظات المحررة
رئيس مجلس القيادة الرئاسي يهنئ بالعيد الوطني الجزائري
عضو مجلس القيادة طارق صالح يطلع على الأوضاع في مديرتي الشمايتين والوازعية بتعز
مجلس الوزراء يتدارس الإجراءات التنفيذية لتحقيق التوازن في سعر الصرف
اليمن يترأس الاجتماع الطارئ لمجلس الجامعة العربية على مستوى المندوبين الدائمين
رئيس مجلس القيادة يستقبل سفير الولايات المتحدة الامريكية
العرادة يدعو لتضافر الجهود لحماية الآثار والحفاظ على التراث الثقافي
عضو مجلس القيادة الرئاسي عثمان مجلي يُشيد بالعلاقات اليمنية- اليابانية