عقد مجلس القيادة الرئاسي اليوم السبت اجتماعا برئاسة فخامة الرئيس الدكتور رشاد محمد العليمي، رئيس المجلس، وبحضور اعضائه عيدروس الزبيدي، سلطان العرادة، طارق صالح، الدكتور عبدالله العليمي، وعثمان مجلي، وفرج البحسني بينما غاب بعذر عضو المجلس عبدالرحمن المحرمي.
أعلنت الوكالة الامريكية للتنمية الدولية، أن الولايات المتحدة قدمت من خلالها 26.7 مليون دولار لصندوق التمويل العالمي التابع للبنك الدولي للمساهمة في جهود الصندوق متعدد الاطراف لدعم العاملين الصحيين وتعزيز الرعاية الصحية الأولية.
Deputy Minister of Human Rights Samir al-Shaibani- along with Representative of the UN High Commission for Refugees Dalia Mohammad- inspected on Tuesday the camp of refugees at al-Basatin area here.
Al-Shaibani was briefed by the Director of the Health Center at the camp on the services it provides to refugees and obstacles hindering their tasks of the center including scarcisty of support and increasing numbers of the refugees.
The director of the center pointed out that the center lacks many requirements, confirming there has been no support to the center except support provided by the UNHCR.
Al-Shaibani stressed on taking care of refugees and respecting their human rights and valued efforts provided by the center and the organization to refugees, pledging of providing training courses to workers in the camp.
He met with the Director of the Center of Receiving Refugees General Musa al-Qamli and discussed with him situations of the refugees and their needs.