[04/08/2018 02:16]
Minister of Public Health and Population Dr. Naser ba'Om and Deputy Minister of Interior General Ali Lakhsha' Launched on Saturday the projects of improving livelihood means and my skill at my hand carried out by Charitable Relief Alliance financed by King Salman Center for Relief and Humanitarian Activities.
The project of improving livelihoods targets provinces of Jawf, Hadhramout, Shabwa, Aden and Lahj from July to September 2018.
The legal government provides necessary support for facilitating implementation of improving projects supporting security and stability in Yemeni provinces contributing in improving livelihoods levels of youth, said Lakhsha'.
He praised the great role played by Saudi Arabia in supporting restoration of legality in Yemen and providing continuous support of relief, humanitarian, service and development fields.
For his part, Governor of Lahj Ahmad al-Turki talked about significance of such projects help in improving youth skills for qualifying them in labor markets, praising great efforts provided by international organizations and King Salman Center for financing health, relief, educational, humanitarian and military and shelter projects.
He confirmed that the local authority in the targeted provinces will provide needed support for providing services to targeted categories.
King Salman Center provides continuous support in relief and humanitarian fields in Yemen with the coast of USD 1,6 billion, said Representative of the Center Yaser al-Shihri.
For his part the Head of the Charitable Relief Alliance Abdellah bin-Othman talked about significance of the two projects for pushing ahead towards stability and social capacity building for creating economic and social opportunities in different sectors and granting projects contributing in improving livelihood levels of youth, women and orphans in targeted provinces.
On the sidelines of the ceremony, the ministry of technical education and vocational training and the Charitable Relief Alliance for Humanitarian Activities signed the treaty of the project of improving livelihoods and supporting social capacity building.
مجلس القيادة الرئاسي يناقش الاوضاع الاقتصادية والمتغيرات الاقليمية
تدريب كوادر الشركة اليمنية للغاز على فحص وفرز وصيانة أسطوانات الغاز
تدشين امتحانات المحاسب القانوني الدفعة الرابعة لحملة الماجستير والبكالوريوس
انتخاب اليمن لرئاسة فريق الخبراء الحكوميين العرب المعني بوضع الخطة التنفيذية للاستراتيجية العربية لحقوق الإنسان
المحافظ لملس يدشن العمل بمشروع حديقة عدن الكبرى
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تقرير دولي يحمل الميليشيات الحوثية مسؤولية التدهور الإقتصادي والإنساني في اليمن
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رئيس الوزراء يشدد على تنفيذ حملات ضبط محلات الصرافة المخالفة والمضاربين بالعملة في جميع المحافظات المحررة
وقفة تضامنية حاشدة بمأرب تستنكر استمرار حرب الإبادة الإسرائيلية في غزة