[07/03/2025 07:28]
The Ministerial Council of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) reaffirmed its full support for the Presidential Leadership Council (PLC) of Yemen, chaired by Dr. Rashad Muhammad Al-Alimi, to achieve security and stability in Yemen and reach a comprehensive political solution.
The Council welcomed the continued efforts made by Saudi Arabia and the Sultanate of Oman to revive the political process in Yemen, and called on all Yemeni parties to fully implement the measures agreed upon, including a comprehensive ceasefire, improvement of living conditions, and preparations for the resumption of an inclusive political process under the auspices of the United Nations.
The Council also expressed its concern over the continued development of events in the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden, and stressed the importance of reducing escalation to maintain the security and stability of the region, and to respect the right of maritime navigation in accordance with international law and the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (1982).
Furthermore, the Council condemned the continued foreign interference in Yemen's internal affairs, and the smuggling of military experts and weapons to the Houthi militia, in flagrant violation of UN Security Council resolutions 2216, 2231, and 2624.
The Council commended the role of the Sultanate of Oman in releasing the crew of the ship "Galaxy", and called on the Houthi group to immediately release all detained personnel working for the United Nations, the United States Embassy, international organizations, and other diplomatic missions, as this is a clear violation of international law and diplomatic norms.
The Council also welcomed the results of the 22nd meeting of the Joint Technical Committee to determine Yemen's development needs, and praised the new economic support provided by Saudi Arabia to Yemen, worth $500 million, to enhance economic stability and support the Yemeni government's efforts to implement economic reforms.
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