حقق تكتل الاتحاد الديمقراطي المسيحي (الاتحاد الاجتماعي المسيحي البافاري) المنتمي لتيار يمين الوسط المحافظ ، فوزا كبيرا في الانتخابات الوطنية الألمانية، متقدما بفارق واضح، وفقا للنتائج الرسمية بعد فرز جميع الدوائر الانتخابية.
فاز ريال مدريد على جيرونا بهدفين نظيفين في المباراة التي جمعتهما اليوم، ضمن الجولة الـ25 من الدوري الإسباني لكرة القدم، ليعود إلى الانتصارات بعد 3 جولات دون أي فوز ويتقدم للمركز الثاني.
Marib Dep. Governor calls for further humanitarian interventions to meet the IDPs needs
[23/02/2025 05:33]
The Deputy Governor of Marib governorate Dr. Abd-Rabbu Meftah called for greater humanitarian interventions by the international organizations to help addressing the increasingly growing needs of the IDPs who have continued to arrive in the governorate which has received some 62 percent of the overall IDPs in the country.
Dr. Meftah voiced the appeal during his conversations today, Sunday, with the officials of the international and national organizations who are currently visiting the governorate.
He met separately with the officials of the British Oxfam, the Turkish Amoda and the Field Medical National Foundation.
In his discussions with the Oxfam's official for the humanitarian programs Mike Cosogi, Meftah highlighted the need for more interventions in the field of water and sanitations to address the shortages in the drinking water and the looming disaster of the sewage amid the lack of sanitation network project in the central city of the governorate.
Meanwhile he devoted his talks with the official of the Turkish organization to underlined the need to replace the tents of the IDPs with makeshifts to serve as temporary houses and support the education sector.