[19/02/2025 05:16]
Yemen's Minister of Oil and Minerals, Dr. Saeed al-Shamasi, has emphasized the country's desire to strengthen cooperation with Egypt in the mining sector, particularly in the areas of oil, gas, and minerals.
During his participation in the Egypt International Petroleum Conference and Exhibition (EGYPS 2025), Dr. Al-Shamasi highlighted Yemen's significant mineral wealth and invited Arab and foreign companies to invest in the sector.
Al-Shamasi said Yemen's gas reserves are estimated to be around 20 trillion cubic feet, making it an attractive destination for investment. However, the minister also noted that the sector has suffered damage due to attacks by the Houthi militia.
In a meeting with Egyptian Minister of Petroleum and Mineral Resources, Eng. Karim Madbouly, Dr. Al-Shamasi discussed ways to enhance joint cooperation between the two countries and explore available investment opportunities.
The meeting also touched on the possibility of Egyptian companies working in Yemen's oil, gas, and mining sectors, as well as the potential for cooperation in the field of natural gas, particularly compressed natural gas as a fuel for cars.
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