[11/02/2025 05:43]
Defense Minister Lieutenant General Mohsen al-Daeri as participated in the Bridge Conference for Defense Ministers under the slogan “Building Resilience through International Defense and Global Cooperation” as part of the activities of the 15th International Aerospace and Defense Exhibition (Aero India 2025) in Bangalore, India.
In his speech during the conference, the defense minister praised the level of organization and arrangement of the international airshow and the Bridge Conference for Defense Ministers in the friendly Republic of India.
He highlighted the long-standing Yemeni-Indian relations and India’s supportive stance toward Yemen and its legitimacy, as well as its assistance in various fields, particularly in training and qualifying Yemeni personnel in Indian educational institutions.
Minister al-Daeri pointed out the suffering of the Yemeni people due to the war imposed by the Houthi terrorist militias for the past ten years, explaining the extension of the threat posed by these militias to the entire region and their disruption of international peace and security by targeting maritime navigation in the Red Sea and Bab al-Mandab.
He affirmed that the danger of the Houthi terrorist militia necessitates a firm international stance to support Yemen and its armed forces in confronting the Houthi militias and the terrorist organizations allied with them, to impose sovereignty over all national territory, restore state institutions, secure global trade, and catch up with progress, prosperity and sustainable development.
The conference aims to discuss strategic partnerships and enhance international cooperation in the field of defense, building resilience through global defense cooperation, and strengthening relations between countries to achieve mutual security and prosperity.
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