[04/02/2025 03:58]
The Governor of Taiz, Nabeel Shamsan discussed Tuesday with the Budget Preparation Committee of the governorate the spending plans and financial resources as part of the investment program for the 2025 fiscal year.
During the meeting, which was attended by the Deputy Governor for Financial, Administrative and Resource Development Affairs Khaled Abdul Jalil, along with members of the Budget Preparation Committee, Governor Shamsan emphasized strengthening institutional performance, evaluating spending from previous years, and reviewing financial performance indicators to ensure resources are directed efficiently toward the neediest sectors in the governorate.
The meeting reviewed the initial plan for preparing the 2025 fiscal year budget, prioritizing service-oriented and sustainable projects, as well as institutional development, training, and capacity-building programs. It also focused on enhancing transparency in budget preparation and presenting financial data to the public.
The meeting approved incorporating suggestions and amendments into the final budget plan, adhering to the indicative ceilings set by the Ministry of Finance, and reflecting the actual deficit to cover office expenses.
The finalized budget plan will be approved in the next meeting before being submitted to the Ministry of Finance.
الحكومة تدعو المجتمع الدولي والأمم المتحدة إلى اتخاذ خطوات جادة لوقف الانتهاكات الحوثية بحق الأطفال في اليمن
الأرصاد تتوقع طقس معتدل وبارد نسبياً بالمناطق الساحلية والقريبة منها وجاف وشديد البرودة بالمرتفعات الجبلية
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قائد المنطقة العسكرية الأولى يتفقد اللواء 11 حرس حدود
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الارياني يناقش مع مسؤولي معهد الاعمال الأمريكية الوضع في اليمن والتحديات المرتبطة بمليشيا الحوثي الإرهابية