[03/02/2025 02:44]
The Acting Permanent Representative of Yemen to the Arab League Ambassador Dr. Ali Mousa chaired Monday an emergency meeting of the Arab League Council at an extraordinary session at the level of representatives.
The meeting was based on a request from Jordan and in coordination with Egypt and the State of Palestine, supported by Arab countries.
The meeting, attended by the Assistant Secretary-General of the Arab League Ambassador Hossam Zaki and senior officials from the Arab League, discussed the implications of the Israeli Knesset's decision to ban the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) in the occupied Palestinian territories of 1967, including East of Al-Quds and the Gaza Strip.
A statement was issued from the meeting, expressing the collective Arab position rejecting the illegal and invalid Israeli actions against UNRWA.
The statement condemned Israel's (the occupying power) disregard for international community calls and demands to halt the implementation of the invalid laws enacted by the Israeli Knesset to ban UNRWA's operations and activities in the occupied Palestinian territories.
The statement affirmed that all Israeli actions against UNRWA's offices and assets in East Jerusalem are invalid and do not produce any legal effect, and that Israel, as the occupying power, has no legitimacy or authority to take any measures to confiscate private or public property or change the legal and administrative status of the occupied territories in accordance with the Fourth Geneva Convention of 1949 and the Hague Regulations of 1970.
The statement noted that UNRWA is a UN agency established under General Assembly Resolution 302 of 1949 to provide humanitarian and developmental support to Palestinian refugees.
Any attempts to deter it from fulfilling its role as mandated by its UN mandate constitute a grave violation of an international resolution that reflects the international community's commitment to resolving the issue of Palestinian refugees, undermining the foundations of the internationally agreed-upon two-state solution, and terminating the issue of Palestinian refugees and their right to return and compensation under international legitimacy.
The statement pointed out that the collapse of UNRWA will inevitably lead to increased burdens on the host countries in UNRWA's five areas of operation, deepening economic and social crises there, and weakening trust in the institutions established to maintain international peace and security.
The statement reiterated full support for the steadfastness of the Palestinian people on their land and their adherence to their legitimate rights in accordance with international law, reaffirming the rejection of any infringement on these inalienable rights.
البرنامج السعودي لتنمية وإعمار اليمن يعزز مصادر المياه في عدن
عضو مجلس القيادة الرئاسي اللواء عيدروس الزُبيدي يفتتح ويدشن العمل في عدد من المشاريع الخدمية بالمهرة
عضو مجلس القيادة الرئاسي عيدروس الزُبيدي يصل محافظة المهرة في زيارة تفقدية
وزير الخارجية يستعرض مع القائم بأعمال السفارة الصينية آفاق تطوير التعاون المشترك
نائب وزير الخارجية يلتقي رئيسة قسم الشؤون السياسية بمكتب المبعوث الاممي إلى اليمن
السفير الارياني يناقش مع مسؤول الماني تطورات الاوضاع في اليمن
الوحيشي يلتقي المبعوث الخاص للرئيس الروسي للشرق الاوسط وشمال أفريقيا
تنظيم امسية رمضانية بجامعة إقيلم سبأ في مأرب
مليشيات الحوثي تمنع أهالي قرية "ورقة" بذمار من إقامة صلاة التراويح وتعتقل إمام المسجد
رئيس الوزراء يؤكد دعم الحكومة لإجراءات احتواء الأوضاع في منطقة الخشعة بحضرموت