توقع مركز التنبؤات الجوية والإنذار المبكر في الهيئة العامة للطيران المدني والأرصاد، اليوم الجمعة، أن يكون الطقس في المناطق الساحلية والقريبة منها، صحو إلى غائم جزئياً معتدل الحرارة، والرياح خفيفة إلى معتدلة على السواحل الجنوبية والشرقية، بينما تكون نشطة على باب المندب وجنوب الساحل الغربي، حيث تتراوح سرعتها بين (20-30) عقدة.
Governor of CBY confers with Korean Ambassador over economic situations
[02/02/2025 07:49]
Governor of the Central Bank of Yemen CBY) Ahmed Ghaleb met today, Sunday, with the Ambassador of the Republic of Korea to the Republic of Yemen DO Bong-Kae, Deputy Ambassador Jin Joo Kim and the representative of the Export-Import Bank of Korea to Saudi Arabia and Yemen Chun Ki-Hoon.
They discussed Yemeni-Korean bilateral relations and cooperation and the economic hardships Yemen has been going through due to the Houthi militias' terrorist attacks on the oil facilities that imposed the cessation of oil exports.
Ghaleb touched on the big economic challenges and the ongoing reforms program the CBY has been working on backed by Arab and foreign friendly countries as well as the international organizations.
The Korean Ambassador reiterated his country's support for the Republic of Yemen in various fields and the UN-led efforts and all good offices aiming to establish peace and stability in Yemen.