أجرى فخامة الرئيس الدكتور رشاد محمد العليمي، رئيس مجلس القيادة الرئاسي، القائد الاعلى للقوات المسلحة اليوم الجمعة، اتصالا هاتفيا بوزير الدفاع الفريق الركن محسن الداعري، ورئيس هيئة الأركان العامة قائد العمليات المشتركة الفريق الركن صغير بن عزيز للاطلاع على المستجدات العسكرية، والجاهزية القتالية، على ضوء قرار مجلس القيادة الرئاسي بشأن وحدة الجبهات في مسرح العمليات المشتركة على مختلف المستويات.
تأهلت أندية روما الإيطالي، وفنربخشه التركي، وريال سوسييداد الإسباني، وألكمار الهولندي وستيوبوخارست الروماني للدور ثمن النهائي من الدوري الأوروبي لكرة القدم.
Prime Minister concludes successful and fruitful visit to the United States of America
[26/01/2025 05:03]
Prime Minister Dr. Ahmed bin Mubarak has culminated a successful and fruitful visit to the United States, wherein he led the government delegation in an international ministerial meeting in New York on January 20 to bolster the Yemeni government politically and economically. Bin Mubarak also engaged in deliberations with senior dignitaries at the United Nations and held meetings with the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, the United States Agency for International Development in Washington, and the Chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee in the US Senate.
The Prime Minister described his visit to the United States as "very important", whether at the level of the international ministerial meeting in New York or the meetings in Washington, within the framework of the preparations made by the Yemeni government in coordination with the United Kingdom. He said that the main objective of this visit is to present the government's plan and vision to improve the situation in Yemen and manage the gradual transition from relief work to development projects under Yemeni leadership.
He said that the international community expressed its support for the Yemeni government, its orientations and its ownership in determining the priorities of the country.