توقع مركز التنبؤات الجوية والإنذار المبكر في الهيئة العامة للطيران المدني والأرصاد، اليوم الجمعة، أن يكون الطقس في المناطق الساحلية والقريبة منها، صحو إلى غائم جزئياً معتدل الحرارة، والرياح خفيفة إلى معتدلة على السواحل الجنوبية والشرقية، بينما تكون نشطة على باب المندب وجنوب الساحل الغربي، حيث تتراوح سرعتها بين (20-30) عقدة.
State Minister, Governor of Aden discuss the mechanism for managing displacement camps
[16/01/2025 07:26]
A meeting chaired by the State Minister, the Governor of Aden Ahmed Lamlas, took place on Thursday, discussing the mechanism for organizing the management of displacement camps and explore sustainable solutions to existing challenges.
It included the Head of the Central Statistical Organization Dr. Safaa Maati and the Head of the Executive Unit for Displaced Persons Naheeb al-Saadi.
During the meeting, the current issues regarding the implementation mechanisms for surveys related to displacement camps were addressed.
It was agreed to form a joint team to manage and execute the surveys, ensuring that data is maintained at high quality with the Central Statistical Organization.
The outputs of the surveys will be delivered to the Executive Unit for Camp Management.
The meeting emphasized the importance of defining the roles and responsibilities among the relevant parties in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations to ensure efficient execution of tasks and achieve common goals.
It reiterated the significance of coordinated efforts and working towards a comprehensive survey of the displaced persons, contributing to sustainable solutions that meet their needs, with full adherence to the minutes recorded to ensure effective implementation.