[04/12/2024 01:42]
Minister of Water and Environment Engineer Tawfiq al-Sharjabi participated Wednesday in a special session to align Yemen's national strategies, support donors, and local efforts in combating desertification.
This session was organized by the Saudi Program for the Development and Reconstruction in Yemen on the sidelines of the 16th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (COP16) held in the Saudi capital, Riyadh.
The Minister emphasized that desertification is one of the largest environmental crises facing Yemen, hindering sustainable development pathways and threatening food security.
He noted that Yemen loses between 3-5% of agricultural land annually due to climate change, grazing, deforestation, poor water resource management, and armed conflict.
He pointed out that identifying national priorities, integrating with national development policies, and involving stakeholders and local communities are essential to address issues of desertification, water management, and food security through a comprehensive approach that includes mapping degraded lands and allocating resources and investments for reforestation and rehabilitation to increase vegetation cover.
The Minister also stressed the crucial role of donors in meeting developmental needs amid the current situation in Yemen, calling on governments, institutions and international organizations to work collaboratively with the Yemeni government to confront the threats of desertification for the future of generations in Yemen.
The session discussed the climatic and human factors contributing to drought, ways to enhance cooperation between donors and the Yemeni government, the design of national strategies to combat desertification, as well as the impacts of drought and ways to develop infrastructure, priorities, and potential actions to be taken.
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