[09/09/2024 05:52]
The Ministry of Public Health and Population, in collaboration with the World Health Organization (WHO), held a health forum Monday here under the title "Strategic Priorities and Opportunities" to provide a comprehensive understanding of the challenges facing the health sector in Yemen.
The forum reviewed the health situation and existing challenges, led by food scarcity and malnutrition, which have impacted over 7.7 million people, with a funding gap of $141 million.
In his opening remarks, Minister of Public Health and Population Dr. Qasem Buhaybeh emphasized the need for support from partners for the health sector in Yemen.
He pointed out that the sector is in a critical phase following the resurgence of epidemics and deadly diseases, exacerbated by the ongoing war ignited by the Houthi militia, in addition to the obstruction of medical and food aid to those in need.
He called for continued support and funding for the health sector in Yemen.
For his part, Mahmoud Zaher, the WHO representative in Aden, explained that the challenges facing the health sector in Yemen are significant and multifaceted, amidst a critical health situation that has worsened the spread of epidemics, food shortages, and acute malnutrition.
This necessitates enhancing and supporting the health sector to ensure it can provide services to citizens.
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