صدر اليوم قرار رئيس مجلس القيادة الرئاسي رقم (٢٥) لسنة ٢٠٢٥م، قضت المادة الاولى منه بتعيين الاخ مصطفى احمد محمد نعمان نائبا لوزير الخارجية وشؤون المغتربين.
Foreign Minister receives copy of credentials of Indian Ambassador to Yemen
[13/08/2024 01:23]
Minister of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates Affairs Dr. Shaya Zindani received today, Tuesday, a copy of the credentials of the Ambassador of the Republic of India to the Republic of Yemen Suhail Ijaz Khan.
Zindani welcomed Ambassador Khan, wishing him all the best in his mission, promising him all facilities to upgrade bilateral relations between the two friendly countries in various fields.
The Foreign Minister praised the depth of bilateral relations and the ties of friendship between the two friendly countries and peoples that have lasted for many decades.
"The appointment of the Indian Ambassador to Yemen at this current stage is very important move to further strengthen Yemeni-Indian relations and cooperation", said Zindani.