[07/05/2024 02:41]
Yemen's Information Minister Muammar al-Eryani said today the terrorist Houthi militia's latest military campaign to displace villagers of al-Daqawina district in Hodeidah is part of the militia's longstanding ethnic cleansing and forcible displacement of the people of the entire Tihma region, of which Hodeidah is one part.
In a press statement, al-Eryani said the Houthi mass arrest of civilians who have refused to evacuate their houses and farms and barbaric assault of children and women to force them out of their properties has been continuing in Tihama region since the terrorist militia overthrew the government in 2014.
"The terrorist militia had previously used force and usurped civilians' properties and farms in the cities and districts of Almawrawiaa, Al-Lohaya, Bajel, Wadi Siham, Zabeed, al-Tohayta, Al-Zaydiah, Almighlaf, Aljarrahi, Almahabeeb, Alqaabel, Alghawanem and several villages … in Bayt Alfakeeh district."
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