اطلع وكيل محافظة حضرموت لشؤون مديريات الوادي والصحراء، عامر العامري، اليوم، على خطط الاجهزة الامنية والإدارات المعنية استعداداً لدخول شهر رمضان المبارك بمديرية سيئون.
واصلت أسعار النفط مكاسبها في التعاملات الأسيوية المبكرة، اليوم الجمعة، وتتجه لتسجيل ارتفاع أسبوعي وسط تزايد التوقعات بطلب قوي في الولايات المتحدة بعد بيانات أظهرت انخفاض مخزونات البنزين ونواتج التقطير، كما تلقت الأسعار دعما من المخاوف من اضطراب الإمدادات الروسية.
تأهلت أندية روما الإيطالي، وفنربخشه التركي، وريال سوسييداد الإسباني، وألكمار الهولندي وستيوبوخارست الروماني للدور ثمن النهائي من الدوري الأوروبي لكرة القدم.
Faqirah participates in activities of releasing report on poverty in Yemen
[25/02/2024 07:28]
Ambassador of Yemen to Jordan Dr. Jalal Faqirah has participated in the activities of releasing the Multi-Dimensional Poverty Measurement Report in Yemen.
The report was made in cooperation with UNDP and Oxford Initiative for Poverty and Human Development.
The report has been made by a team of international experts through the methodology of surveying the multi-dimension indicators applied to a sample from provinces and residential areas.
Ambassador Faqirah emphasized the importance of shedding light on the dire poverty conditions in Yemen, which represents the worst humanitarian catastrophe in the world over Houthi terrorist militia triggered on Yemeni people after its coup against the state.
He explained that the report highlights the gaps that require directing public policy decisions, identifying intervention areas, and allocating resources to target the poorest categories and regions.
The report also aims to identify the most significant forms of deprivation faced by contemporary Yemeni society in order to accelerate the process of reducing multidimensional poverty.
He expressed his aspiration for increased support for development projects to meet the needs of these areas and to address the actual humanitarian needs of the Yemeni people in these difficult circumstances.
Ambassador Faqirah commended the efforts of all Yemen's development partners and the importance of achieving integration among them in order to merge the developmental and humanitarian components, leading to a complete transition towards comprehensive development in Yemen.
"The only way to reduce poverty and fully transition towards development is through supporting the capabilities of the Presidential Leadership Council led by His Excellency Dr. Rashad al-Alimi, and supporting the capacities of the Yemeni government to a level that enables it to restore state institutions and establish security, peace, and stability in Yemen," he said.