[05/02/2024 06:30]
Member of the Presidential Leadership Council (PLC) Brigadier General Tariq Saleh stated that Yemenis' battle with the Terrorist Houthi militias hasn't over yet, stressing the importance of everybody engagement in the battle to restore the state's institutions and thwart the Iranian plan in Yemen.
He made his statement during his meeting today, Monday, with Directors of the Endowments and Information Offices in the districts of the Western Coast.
Brig. Tariq said" All Yemenis should establish a united national alignment and go jointly to fight the Iranian scheme and its lackeys represented by the Terrorist Houthi militias".
The PLC's Member urged all fellows to align themselves behind internationally recognized government and support the local authority to establish security and carry out the urban planning structure in the government-held cities.
He lambasted the Houthi militias for preventing 148 Yemeni men and women, have been trapped in Sudan, from returning to the homeland, while the militiamen claim to have been attacking commercial ships in the Red Sea to demonstrate solidarity with the Palestinian brothers in Gaza.
" The ones who steal public servants' salaries, besiege the city of Taiz, prevent Yemenis in Sudan from returning to the homeland can never be advocators for Gaza's population, nor they have the right to barging about the Fair Palestinian Cause", said Tariq.
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