[28/12/2023 03:06]
Aden – Saba
Member of the Presidential Leadership Council, Major General Aidaroos Al-Zubaidi, inaugurated the inspection of commercial ships entering Yemen in Aden port in lieu of Jeddah port in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
This unfolded when he chaired a meeting today, Thursday, at the Ministry of Transport, in the presence of the ministers of Civil Service and Social Affairs, the Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade, the President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry in the temporary capital, Aden and other officials.
Major General Al-Zubaidi confirmed in the meeting the readiness of the port of Aden to receive all local and international shipping lines, directing the competent authorities in the Ministry of Transport, the Ministry of Industry and Trade, Aden free zone, and the security services to overcome the difficulties facing merchants and businessmen from various governorates, and to provide them with all facilities for importing through the ports of Aden.
Major General Al-Zubaidi stressed the importance of improving the technical and technological aspects in the work of port-related institutions, most notably the Gulf of Aden Ports Corporation, the Customs Authority, the Tax Authority and Free Zone Security, which contributes to the smooth entry of ships and the unloading of their cargo of goods in the port
. At the meeting, Al-Zubaidi appreciated the efforts made by the brothers in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, in addition to the Ministry of Transport, in completing arrangements to transfer the inspection tasks of ships arriving at the ports of Aden from the port of Jeddah, in a step that would enhance the port’s activity and reduce the costs of insurance for goods.
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