[27/12/2023 02:33]
Aden – Saba
Member of the Presidential Leadership Council, Major General Aidaroos Al-Zubaidi chaired a meeting of the Executive Office at the temporary capital, Aden.
At the beginning of the meeting, which was attended by the Secretary-General of the Local Council in Aden, Badr Moaa'win, Major General Al-Zubaidi briefed those present on the latest developments related to the political process and the road map presented by the UN envoy, reiterating the necessity of having a negotiating framework specific to the issue of the South in the political process.
In his speech, Major General Al-Zubaidi touched on the difficult conditions that the temporary capital, Aden, is experiencing due to the deteriorating economic situation, stressing the need for everyone to carry out their responsibilities and tasks assigned to them, and to work in the spirit of one team to improve the living conditions of all citizens according to the capabilities available to them. The member of the Leadership Council added, saying: “We are fully aware of the difficulty of the situation, especially the economic aspect, but that does not exempt us from carrying out our tasks at all levels.
Aden is our capital and preserving it and its institutions is everyone’s responsibility.”
Major General Al-Zubaidi stressed the necessity of seeking and benefiting from all the young talents and capabilities that Aden abounds in various fields, empowering them, and helping them bear responsibility, as they are the most important segment of society.
Major General Al-Zubaidi continued his speech, saying: “The youth of Aden made great sacrifices in the various stages of the struggle, and they were at the front of the ranks in the battle to liberate their city, and their right to public employment must be obtained in full without any diminution.”
He addressed the attendees, saying: “You must approach the citizens, feel their concerns and problems, and work to solve them, and stop any collection of illegal taxes, whether by entities or persons who are not authorized to do so in accordance with the system and the law.”
At the conclusion of his speech, member of the Presidential Leadership Council stressed the importance of coordinating work between local authorities at the governorate and district levels, for the benefit of citizens and the public interest of the city, indicating that these meetings will take place periodically to determine what tasks have been accomplished.
الوكيل العامري يطلع على الخطة الامنية والتنظيمية لشهر رمضان المبارك بمديرية سيئون
اختتام مسابقة القرآن الكريم لمدارس التعليم الأساسي والثانوي بمديرية سيئون
رئيس مجلس القيادة يهنئ القيادة السعودية بمناسبة يوم التأسيس
الأرصاد تتوقع استمرار الطقس معتدل وبارد بالمناطق الساحلية والقريبة منها وشديد البرودة بالمرتفعات الجبلية
رئيس مجلس القيادة يعزي وزير المالية الاسبق
تنظيم ندوتين في عدن ومأرب بمناسبة اليوم الوطني لخط المسند
وزير المياه يعلن بدء تنفيذ المرحلة الأولى لمشروع تحلية مياه البحر في عدن
افتتاح مركز جامعة حضرموت الطبي بمنطقة المساكن وتدشين المعرض الرمضاني التعاوني
وزيرا التخطيط والكهرباء يبحثان الدعم الدولي لمشاريع الطاقة الشمسية والجهاز المركزي للإحصاء
افتتاح قناة زراعية في بيحان