[29/11/2023 02:07]
Geneva - Saba
Represented by a delegation headed by its Permanent Representative to the United Nations Dr. Ali Mujawar, Yemen is participating in the 114th General Council of the International Organization for Migration, held in Geneva.
The meetings discuss issues related to influx of migrants and the need to find common solutions based on international conventions, including the Global Migration Compact.
The meetings also discuss the challenges facing migrants, the fundamental causes of migration waves, and the importance of contributing to addressing them, especially resulting from the phenomenon of climate change, or armed conflicts.
Dr. Mujawar delivered a speech in which he summarized the problems of the influx of migrants coming through the Gulf of Aden and the Red Sea to Yemen, the need for the organization to have a stronger role in providing support, the importance of strengthening coordination to solve the problem of the influx of migrants to Yemen, and reactivating the voluntary return program for migrants.
العرادة يناقش مع وفد برنامج الأمم المتحدة الإنمائي خطة التدخلات وتوسيع مشروع (SIERY)
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