قال وزير الإعلام والثقافة والسياحة، معمر الإرياني "ان على الشعب اليمني أن يدرك حجم الخطر الداهم الذي تمثله مليشيات الحوثي الإرهابية المدعومة من النظام الايراني، بتصرفاتها غير المسؤولة".
تعادل المنتخب القطري مع نظيره الاماراتي، بهدف لكل منهما في ثاني مباريات بطولة كأس الخليج في نسختها الـ٢٦ وذلك في المباراة التي جمعتهما على ملعب جابر مبارك الحمد الصباح ضمن منافسات المجموعة الأولى.
Armed forces purge al-Qaeda from Mesinivalley of Hadhramout
[18/02/2018 04:58]
Mukalla – SABA
The governor of Hadramout province, Commander of the Second Military Region, Maj. Gen. FarajSalmeen Al-Bohsoni, said that the military forces of the Region managed to break into the fortification of Al-Qaeda operatives in Al-Mesini valley, west of Mukalla city.
"The victory over al-Qaeda in the Mesini valley occurred according to a military plan launched on Friday against the remaining gatherings of the terrorist elements in the rugged mountainous areas of the Mesini Valley," he told Saba news agency.
The armed forces surrounded the terrorists for two days and then broke into their fortified site in a successful professional implementation of the set plan.
He said that the operation resulted in the death of two soldiers and the wounding of four others, in addition to the killing and arrest of many armed terrorists.
He stressed that the military operation called "al-Faisal", is still continuing until the region is free of any pockets belonging to the terrorist groups.