VP informs Turkish Ambassador about rebels' intransigence
Vice President Lt. Gen. Ali Mohsen Saleh has informed the Turkish Ambassador to Yemen Levent Eller about the Houthi rebel militias' intransigence in refusing political settlement and jeopardizing the security of Yemen and the region.
Taiz: More relief efforts urgently needed
Undersecretary of Taiz province Dr Abdulqawee Al-Mikhlafi called on the World Food Program (WFP) to redouble relief efforts to contribute toward relieving the population of the province, which has been long besieged by Houthi-Saleh militias.
Oil minister convenes assessment and preview meeting
The Minister of Oil and Minerals has chaired a meeting for all the heads of all departments and corporations and firms affiliate to the ministry in Aden on Sunday and assessed the business achieved and previewed the work plan of 2018.
HR Minister calls UN to press for release of forcibly disappeared
Minister of Human Rights Mohammed Askar has called on the UN and the whole international community to press the Houthi-Saleh rebel militias to release the scores of peaceful activists they abducted and forced into disappearance over the course of their rebellion since they seized power by force in 2014.
VP meets with KSA Crown Prince
Vice President Lieutenant General (Lt Gen) Ali Mohssen Saleh Met Sunday with the Crown Prince, Deputy Primer, Minister of Defense in the Kingdom of Saudi Arab (KSA) His Royal Highness (HRH) Emir Mohammed bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al-Saud.
Consultative session on 2018 state budget
Plenary meeting organized Sunday in Aden by Ministry of Finance aimed to draw consultations about draft proposal of 2018 state budget in the government held provinces. Ministries of Planning and International Cooperation and Civil Service contributed to the discussions.
VP says Tehran supports terrorist groups
Vice President Lt. Gen. Ali Mohsen Saleh said that Tehran "is involved in supporting terrorist groups" and it is essential to designate its proxies of Houthi militias and Hezbolla party as terrorist groups.
Microenterprise owners to organize annual bazar
The Union of Owners of Microenterprises is planning on organizing the fifth edition of its annual bazar for selling the articles and handicrafts young girls produced in their startups.