Amb. al-Asbahi seeks Moroccan cooperation in training, capacity building
Ambassador of the Republic of Yemen to the Kingdom of Morocco Azaddin al-Asbahi disussed today, Friday, with the Moroccan Minister of Economic Integration, Labor and Competences Dr. Younis Skori aspects of joint cooperation in training the Yemeni young men and women.
Gaza: Death toll from the Israeli occupation’s aggression against Gaza rose to 38,919 martyrs and 89,622 injured.
The Israeli aggression against the Gaza Strip has left 38,919 civilians martyred and 89,622 others injured since October 7, 2023.
S. Korea's economy contracts 0.2 percent in second quarter
South Korea's economy retreated in the second quarter of the year as weaker domestic demand clouded recovery prospects, despite robust exports, S. Korean News Agency (Yonhap) reported.
Over six thousand athletes to participate in Paris 2024 Olympics
The Summer Olympics Paris 2024 will kick off tomorrow with the official opening ceremony, and last until August 16.
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نتائج البحث عن protesters :

Protesters condemn Houthi execution orders against abductees

Taiz protesters: The UN-brokered truce's become a cover-up for Houthi massacring of civilians

Protesters slam international silence after Houthi-laid landmine kills new children

Interior Ministry warns of separatist attacks on protesters in Aden

Taiz: Protesters demand int'l community to condemn Houthi killing of athletes

Protesters rally in Geneva over Saleh-Houthi crimes against civilians

Child protesters call UN to take responsibility for protecting them from Houthis

Protesters in front of International Criminal Court demand lifting years long Houthi siege on Yemen city

Activists rally against militias' violations against children

Protests against Houthi massacres in Taiz

On Human Rights Day, Yemen journalists fear Houthi execution of fellows

Massive protest in Taiz calls for tightening security in liberated areas

Yemen condemns attempt to storm US embassy in Baghdad

Thousands take to Taiz streets to condemn Zionist aggression in Palestine

Al-Eryani calls on int'l community to listen to Yemeni demands for Houthi terror designation

Eryani warns of Iranian regime's efforts to export its internal crises

Askar, Gilmore discuss Houthi violations of human rights

Massive protest decries crimes of terrorist Houthi militia in Hodeidah

Saleh-Houthi snipers killed 32 children in Taiz in 2016-2017, Alyosofi says

Activists rally in Paris to demand Houthihandover of Hodeidah to government

Demonstrators call for completing liberation of Taiz from Houthi rebels

Journalists call int'l community to stop Houthi abuses against colleagues

Funeral held in honor of journalist killed in Aden airport terror attack

Yemen: Massive demonstrations against Israel's continuing genocide in Gaza

Women stage rally in Aljawf to condemn Houthi missile attack on wedding feast

Journalists protest for release of abducted colleagues in Houthi jails

PM: govt's top priority to renormalize situations, pay salaries

Big rally in Taiz supporting legality, calling for liberation

Massive public rally in Taiz in solidarity with the people of Gaza Strip

Arab Parliament Speaker calls Riyadh parties to implement agreement

Houthis killed and injured 32000 civilianssince September 21, says NGO

Popular protest in Aden calls for categorizing Houthi militia "terrorist group"

Human Rights Ministry deplores militia's assault on a sit-in by GPC's supporters

Eryani says Houthi arrest campaign reflects state of fear gripping the militia

Protest in Marib in solidarity with Gaza, denouncing occupation's crimes

Arab Parliament condemns Houthi atrocities against Yemeni MPs

Yemen, US discuss activating peace talks between parties

People of Shabwa renew loyalty to legitimacy, support for regaining state

Arab Parliament renews support to Yemen's government

Yemen youth uprising was not a luxury: FM tells Arab diplomats in Delhi

Yemen youth uprising was not a luxury: FM tells Arab diplomats in Delhi

Political parties call for integration around government, face sectarian plots

Military operations won't stop until all Yemeni territory is liberated, says Hadi

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