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President al-Alimi: International leniency with Houthis' arrogance will encourage terrorist organizations to follow same approach
[26/09/2024 02:56]
His Excellency President Dr. Rashad al-Alimi, Chairman of the Presidential Leadership Council (PLC) reiterated his call to the international community to designate Houthi militia as an international terrorist organization, as part of an integrated deterrence policy to push the group to seriously engage with the fair and sustainable peace efforts.

He recalled, during a session organized by the US Council on Foreign Relations in New York, the danger of the Houthi militia's links and alliances with terrorist organizations inside and outside Yemen, as well as arms smuggling networks in the region.

The President expressed his vision on the international coalition's handling of the Houthi attacks on shipping ships, looking forward to moving from the existing containment policy to deterrence measures and a strategic partnership that prevents other terrorist organizations from following the same approach.

In this context, he explained that despite the efforts of the international community to address the threat of the Safer oil reservoir in previous years, "We find ourselves today facing a similar danger with every tanker and ship passing in the Red Sea due to the terrorist attacks of the Houthis."

President al-Alimi explained that the belief that the terrorist attacks of the Houthi militia are linked to the Israeli war on our Palestinian brothers and that the end of these attacks is contingent on a ceasefire in Gaza, is an entirely misconception.

His Excellency added""After the Red Sea had been used as a weapon and international trade, waterways and the environment have been used for blackmail, this matter won't stop and it is set to continue by Iran and its affiliated militias in the future".

The president confirmed that eliminating the Houthi militias' coup and restoring state institutions will remain a top priority for the PLC, the government and the Yemeni people.

At the same time, he affirmed the commitment of the PLC and the government to the approach of a fair and sustainable peace based on the agreed terms of reference, including resolutions of international legitimacy, foremost of which is resolution 2216.

The Chairman of the PLC provided a detailed presentation about the great political, military, security, economic and social challenges the Yemeni government has been facing as a result of the Iran-backed Houthis coup d'état.

President al-Alim also highlighted the needed role of brothers and friends in supporting the PLC and the government to manage these challenges, underling in this context the positions of the brothers in the Arab Coalition to support legitimacy led by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, who always have proved to be very helpful for Yemen in various stages and circumstances.

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