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President al-Alimi: We're committed to put an end of the suffering of all detainees
[16/04/2023 07:55]
His Excellency President Dr. Rashad al-Alimi, Chairman of the Presidential Council, has confirmed the commitment of the Presidential Council and the Government to work on releasing all detainees including Maj. General Faisal Rajab and Mohammed Qahtan who are covered by the International Security Council.

His Excellency said in a tweet in which he congratulated the detainees who were set free over the past three days "These days were of great happiness for the Yemeni people everywhere, with the final days of the Holy Month and advent of the blessed Eid al-Fiter, hundreds of families re-union with their own beloved ones, hopefully this step will constitute a glimpse of hope on the path to achieve the fair and comprehensive peace that our people deserves".

The President praised the efforts of the government's team, brothers in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the United Nations and the International Committee of the Red Cross which combined to release hundreds of the detainees based on the outcomes of the recent meetings between the government and the Houthi militias in Switzerland.

The prisoner-exchange deal included releasing 890 of the detainees of both sides including Maj. General Mahmood Assobaihi, Maj. General Nasser Mansour Hadi who are included by the International Security Council, four journalists were unfairly sentenced to death and four corpses.

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