Al-Eryani denounces targeting civil, military leaderships of Taiz by Houthi terrorist militia
Minister of Information, Culture and Tourism, Muammar al-Eryani strongly condemned the heinous act of the Iran-backed Houthi terrorist militia in targeting the civil and military leadership of Taiz on Monday.
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Three citizens injured by Houthi militia's landmines in at al-Qasr crossroad in Taiz
[13/06/2024 06:15]
Three citizens have been injured by a landmine planted by Houthi Terrorist militia in al-Qasr Crossroad, Taiz during removing dust barricades.

"Three citizens were injured, one of them has serious injuries, when a landmine went off while removing dust barricades by a tractor for the Public Works and Roads Office and Cleaning and Improvement Fund for opening al-Qasr Crossroad -al-Camp Road," Member of the National Committee to Investigate Alleged Violations to Human Rights Ishraq al-Maqtari said.

In a statement to Saba on Thursday, al-Maqtari said the landmine went off in the morning while commencing inauguration of crossing people to the City of Taiz, pointing out that despite three days of removing landmines during removing the dust barricades, today's blast reveals that there are dangers must be cautioned against.

The member of the National Committee called on citizens and drivers to be careful and cautious when passing through the roads, and not to take other routes as they are unsafe and still contaminated with mines and explosive devices, demanding the removal of all mines planted indiscriminately on the roads so that no more civilian casualties occur.

She stressed that the committee's team is working to monitor and document all the violations that civilians are subjected to in the various governorates.

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