[17/05/2023 06:19]
The ministerial meeting here, which included Minister of Interior General Lieutenant Ibrahim Hidan, Minister of Information, Culture and Tourism Muamar al-Eryani and Minister of Public Health and Population Qasem Buhaibeh, discussed means of combating drugs and coordination for protection against it.
The meeting, which was attended by deputy ministers of trade and education and concerned officials in the ministry of interior, reviewed efforts and implemented plans by the ministry of interior and its departments in field of combating drugs smuggling and enhancing protection and awareness against dangers of consuming drugs.
Minister Hidan pointed out to dangers of drugs on the Yemeni society, which suffers from this phenomenon, which has been complicated currently due to conditions in the country, pointing out that drugs have become a weapon threatening countries and their security and stability.
The same weapon is used by Iran to control and destroy peoples it conquests them through its agents, he added, pointing out that the ministry will launch next week a workshop with all concerned bodies on combating drugs.
For his part, Minister of Information al-Eryani confirmed importing of holding such meeting on the level of the ministries' leadership to discuss drugs phenomenon suffered by many countries in the world including Yemen.
" Houthi rebel militia transformed Yemen into a regional location for smuggling drugs and financing it into neighboring countries," said al-Eryani, stressing importance of international and regional cooperation to limit this phenomenon.
For his part, Minister of Public Health Buhaibeh stressed importance of making strategies for combating drugs and organizing efforts in field of protection against drugs and similar narcotic materials.
مجلس القيادة الرئاسي يناقش المستجدات الوطنية والاقليمية
البرنامج السعودي لتنمية وإعمار اليمن يواصل برامجه ومبادراته التنموية في مختلف المجالات
عضو مجلس القيادة الزُبيدي: تصنيف أستراليا الحوثيين جماعة إرهابية يدعم توحيد الموقف الدولي ضد إرهاب المليشيات
الارياني يرحب بإعلان حكومة نيوزيلندا تصنيف مليشيا الحوثي منظمة إرهابية
نيوزيلندا تصنف مليشيات الحوثي منظمة إرهابية
رئيس الوزراء يستقبل في عدن القائم بأعمال السفارة الصينية لدى اليمن
وزير الدفاع يعقد اجتماعاً موسعاً بقيادة المنطقة الثانية ويفتتح مبنى المحكمة والنيابة العسكرية
رئيس الوزراء يستعرض مع مكتب الأمم المتحدة الـ (UNOPS) المشاريع الجاري تنفيذها
انعقاد اجتماع للسلطتين التنفيذية والقضائية في لحج لمناقشة تعزيز آليات التنسيق
رئيس الوزراء يؤكد توجه الحكومة لإعادة رسم مسارات الشراكة مع الوكالات والمنظمات الأممية والدولية