[26/08/2023 02:14]
Vancouver - Saba
Minister of Water and Environment, Engineer Tawfiq Al-Sharjabi, stressed the importance of enhancing joint coordination and raising the level of cooperation between the Yemeni environmental authorities and the Executive Secretariat of the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm International Conventions, in light of Yemen's need to prepare a national strategy for chemicals and hazardous waste, a national strategy for health care waste, and to update laws and legislation concerning the management of chemicals and hazardous waste.
Minister Al-Sharjabi, during his meeting today with the Executive Secretary of the three international environmental agreements on the sidelines of the General Assembly meetings of the Global Environment Facility in Vancouver, Canada, reviewed the difficulties facing Yemen for the effective implementation of the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm agreements, and the efforts made to manage chemicals and their waste in light of the ongoing war the country is going through since 2014.
The Minister of Water and Environment referred to the lack of local expertise, the leakage of qualified cadres as a result of the war and the scarcity of resources, in addition to the acute shortage of equipment, devices and technology.
He stressed the importance of strengthening cooperation in building national institutional, technical and control capacities, especially in customs outlets, and assisting in the integrated survey of various regions of the Republic and preparing a report on the national status of chemicals and hazardous waste.
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